You can use up to 100 credits.
Welcome to this pilot of the Harlem Community Wallet participatory budgeting process! Below, you will see a list of spending proposals for District 9. If you want to express support for a spending proposal, click “+”. You can cast more than one vote for a spending proposal by clicking “+” multiple times. If you change your mind, just click “-” to take back votes.
Placing votes costs voice credits. When you run out of voice credits, you can't place any more votes. The cost increases as you add more votes to a single option. So one vote costs 1 credit, two votes cost 4 credits, three votes cost 9 credits, and so on. This means that if you want to strongly support a proposal you can, but it will be very expensive.
Spread your votes across all the options that you want to support. When you are finished, click the Submit button to finalize your votes. Your votes will be added up with everyone else's, resulting in a clear and detailed representation of the group's preferences.
BUDGET $250,000
341 mixed-income housing project, 100 supportive housing units included developed by the Lantern Organization. Located at Park Avenue in between E 118th and E 119th Streets.
BUDGET $1,000,000
Broadway Housing Community plans to develop between 150-175 units of affordable housing over the next 5 years at two properties: 222-226 W 145th Street and 673 St Nicholas Avenue. All units will be below 80% AMI. Tenants of the project will be able to access BHC's tenant services, educational programs, and cultural arts programs.
BUDGET $200,000
The need is a refurbishment or renovation of the floors, the walls, the sound system, the stage, the lighting system, and the seating in the auditorium.
BUDGET $100,000
The ask is the replacement of the gym floor with regulation flooring; the replacement of the basketball hoops; and the addition of climbing wall and adaptive, sensory gym equipment for special needs students.
BUDGET $250,000
Funding to support the installation of a new HVAC, boiler, and fire panel systems replacing the organization's energy inefficient and outdated systems.
BUDGET $175,000
Classroom upgrades to technology as part of the Advancing Classroom Technologies Initiative.
BUDGET $250,000
Reworking of plumbing system to aid in the construction of public restrooms in the park.
BUDGET $250,000
Funding to support climate resiliency efforts and park revitalization projects at Harlem River Park.
BUDGET $275,000
Funding to support the construction of a green playground in Marcus Garvey Park.
BUDGET $475,000
Funding to support auditorium and gym updates for PS 149.
BUDGET $250,000
Funding to support upgrades to the kitchen, gym, and classroom facilities in the Community Center.
BUDGET $50,000
Funding to support composting bins, mural construction, and revitalization of the Abyssinian Tot-Lot at 130 W 139th Street.